Solution to “Failed to download (trying next): HTTP Error 404: Not Found (MNIST) dataset”
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Solution to “Failed to download (trying next): HTTP Error 404: Not Found (MNIST) dataset”

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating “Failed to download (trying next): HTTP Error 404: Not Found” error when trying to download the MNIST dataset? Well, you’re in luck! This article will guide you through the troubleshooting process to resolve this issue and get you back to working with the MNIST dataset in no time.

Understanding the Error

The “Failed to download (trying next): HTTP Error 404: Not Found” error occurs when the system is unable to find the requested dataset, in this case, the MNIST dataset, on the specified server. This error is often caused by a faulty URL, incorrect dataset name, or issues with the server itself.

Symptoms of the Error

The error message may vary depending on the programming language or library you’re using, but common symptoms include:

  • Failed to download (trying next): HTTP Error 404: Not Found (MNIST)
  • Error 404: Not Found (MNIST dataset)
  • Failed to retrieve MNIST dataset
  • MNIST dataset not found

Troubleshooting Steps

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Follow these steps to troubleshoot the issue and resolve the error:

Step 1: Check the URL

Verify that the URL you’re using to download the MNIST dataset is correct and up-to-date. The official MNIST dataset URL is:

Make sure to check for any typos or incorrect characters in the URL.

Step 2: Check the Dataset Name

Ensure that you’re using the correct dataset name, which is “MNIST” in this case. Double-check that you haven’t misspelled the name or used an incorrect case.

Step 3: Check Server Status

It’s possible that the server hosting the MNIST dataset is down or experiencing technical difficulties. Try accessing the dataset URL directly in your web browser to check if the server is available.

Step 4: Clear Cache and Retry

Sometimes, a simple cache clear can resolve the issue. Try clearing your cache and retrying the download process.

Step 5: Use Alternative Sources

If the official MNIST dataset URL is still not working, you can try using alternative sources such as:

Alternative Source URL

Step 6: Check Firewall and Proxy Settings

Your firewall or proxy settings might be blocking the download. Try disabling your firewall or proxy temporarily to see if it resolves the issue.

Step 7: Contact Server Admin or Dataset Maintainers

If none of the above steps resolve the issue, it’s possible that there’s a problem with the server or dataset itself. Try contacting the server admin or dataset maintainers to report the issue and seek their assistance.

Code Examples

To help you better, here are some code examples in popular programming languages that demonstrate how to download the MNIST dataset:

Python (TensorFlow)

import tensorflow as tf

(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = tf.keras.datasets.mnist.load_data()
print(x_train.shape, y_train.shape, x_test.shape, y_test.shape)

Python (Keras)

from keras.datasets import mnist

(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()
print(x_train.shape, y_train.shape, x_test.shape, y_test.shape)



mnist <- dataset_mnist()
x_train <- mnist$train$images
y_train <- mnist$train$labels
x_test <- mnist)test$images
y_test <- mnist.test$labels
print(dim(x_train), dim(y_train), dim(x_test), dim(y_test))


In conclusion, the "Failed to download (trying next): HTTP Error 404: Not Found" error when downloading the MNIST dataset is often caused by a faulty URL, incorrect dataset name, or issues with the server itself. By following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve the issue and successfully download the MNIST dataset. Remember to check the URL, dataset name, server status, and alternative sources, and don't hesitate to contact the server admin or dataset maintainers if needed.

Happy coding, and may the MNIST dataset be with you!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about "Failed to download (trying next): HTTP Error 404: Not Found (MNIST) dataset" in a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with the infamous "Failed to download" error when trying to access the MNIST dataset? Worry not, friend! We've got you covered with these FAQs that'll get you back on track in no time!

What does the "Failed to download" error mean?

The "Failed to download" error with an HTTP Error 404: Not Found status code indicates that the MNIST dataset's URL is not reachable or the file is missing. It's like trying to find a non-existent webpage – the server can't find what you're looking for!

Is the MNIST dataset down or is it me?

Before blaming the dataset, check your internet connection and try reloading the dataset. If the problem persists, it's possible that the dataset's servers are experiencing issues. You can also try checking the dataset's official website or GitHub page for any updates or announcements.

How can I troubleshoot the download issue?

First, try updating your dataset loading library or package. Then, check if the dataset's URL has changed or if there are any specific download instructions. You can also try downloading the dataset manually and loading it into your project.

Are there any alternative datasets I can use?

Yes, there are alternative datasets you can use for your machine learning project. For example, you can use the Fashion-MNIST dataset, which is similar to MNIST but with fashion images. You can also explore other datasets on platforms like Kaggle, UCI Machine Learning Repository, or Open Data Network.

What if I'm still stuck and can't download the dataset?

Don't worry, friend! If none of the above solutions work, try reaching out to the dataset's maintainers or the community forum for help. You can also search for online tutorials or blogs that may provide additional troubleshooting steps or workarounds.

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